Houston Jones Act Attorney: A Good  Cover for Maritime Workers

Maritime workers could bear several injury possibilities through their extreme work. Fortunately, there is a Houston Jones Act attorney who would assist with your injury coverage that occurred during your employment. Read this article below to find the answer to this law scheme. 

Houston Jones Act Attorney Overview

Houston is the one of largest metropolitan cities in Texas and also becoming the most populous city in the United States. The population in Houston reached the numbers of 2,302,878 in 2022. As a big city, Houston’s government provides several public services including attorneys for maritime workers.

The Jones Act refers to the federal law that determines your shipment protection system in the US coastal area. Come along with the Jones Act, you as a seamen would be liable to apply your coverage of injuries. This act mainly focuses on the possibility of seamen covering their injuries that occurred at sea.

The act was established in 1920 with a focus on protecting and governing seamen’s rights during their employment at sea. Maritime workers used to not have any such protection for their hazardous work in the sea. Further, the Houston Jones Act attorney becomes the option to fully safeguard your coverage as a seaman.

The Benefit of the Jones Act

Joining the Jones Act would bring you several benefits. These advantages are sorted by categories. Below is the list of the benefits that are offered by the Houston Jones Act attorney. 

1. Maintenance, Cure, and Medical Expenses

First, the Jones Act could cover your living insurance. The benefits you receive include cost of living, several wages, and medical expenses. Additionally, this rule also covers your medical expenses such as rehabilitation to treat your injury.

2. Lost Wages and Earning Insurance

This law scheme also covers the loss of your wages and earning money you get. However, this rule doesn’t cover money related to your maritime injury that occurred after the moment.

3. Pain and Suffering 

Unfortunately, a maritime injury could happen since your job is currently carrying such a hazardous workload. This situation might be causing pain and suffering to yourself and your family. Houston Jones Act attorney would assist you in gaining this coverage.

4. Non-Economic Damage Insurance

Aside from wages lost, this rule also offers coverage for your non-economic damage insurance. The insurance policy would put your loss of companionship, comfort, and intimate relationship with your family into an assurance.

What is the Coverage of Houston Jones Act Attorney Provide?

This federal law scheme for seamen is most likely to cover several circumstances during your work hours. Here is the list of the coverage that would be included in the policy.

1. Physical Injury 

The most necessary form to be claimed to your Houston Jones Act attorney is the physical injuries that occurred from your employment negligence. Hazardous work consequences might occur to cause fractures and broken bones up to amputation and crush injuries.

Additionally, neck, head, and spinal cord injuries are also included in the insurance for the Jones Act. You are probably able to claim the act if you have burns and electrocution injuries in your body.

2. Occupational Illness

Furthermore, the hazardous workload causes such a long-term health issue to your body and might be an occupational illness. Disorders or abnormal conditions due to high exposure to non-instantaneous events in an unhealthy work environment would be the reason for this injury.

Cancer, respiratory diseases, tinnitus, and hearing loss are several conditions that include the scheme of Houston Jones Act attorney. Yet, you can apply the form if that condition occurs during your employment error in the sea.

How to Apply for the Houston Jones Act Attorney?

Here are the conditional terms you must pay attention to before applying for the Jones Act lawyer in Houston. Take a look closer at the following explanation!

a. Policy Qualification

The policy of the Jones Act only qualified seamen. If you are one of them, you can apply for the Houston Jones Act attorney scheme. However, you have to fit in the policy qualification below before sending your file to the Jones Act lawyer. 

1. Significant Time

To apply for the Jones Act, you must be already spending at least 30% of the work hours you have on the vessel. The number of vessels owned by your employer is used to determine the time split of the 30% time threshold.

2. Working Place

Moreover, the workplace you have been in is the aspect that qualified you in the Jones Act rule. Working on a vessel is one of the aspects that will put you under the policy. This term means that you are a seaman even though you are not working as a sailor.  

3. Vessel Navigation

To qualify under the Jones Act form, you should acknowledge the type of vessel you are in. Several types of vessels wouldn’t be included in the Jones Act policy. That exception mentioned the dry dock boat, ashore boat for repair, and uncommercial boats are excluded from the act policy.

b. Policy Application Process

The Jones Act attorney would assist you in getting back your insurance while working on the vessel. However, you must follow the process to claim the act form. Here they are:

  • Reporting the injury to the vessel captain. 
  • Prepare the accident report that must be sent to the company.
  • After filing your document, you would get medical treatment.
  • Hire an attorney to assist you in winning the injured seamen policy.
  • Lastly, you probably need to file suit for the injured seamen policy.

Let’s Cover Your Safety with a Good Attorney!

Working as a seaman would put you into hazardous consequences in the sea. In this case, you need to apply for a law scheme to protect you from those bad impacts in your workplace. Houston Jones Act attorney would assist you to get back your insurance and put you in safe work quality. 

Regardless, you need to pay attention to the form process. You can refuse to be blamed by your company even if you are doing nothing wrong. In this case, the company would work dirty on you to cut your work period off. The Jones Act attorney would help you to win the lawsuit of this case.

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