A Complete Guide to a Plant Explosion Attorney

Indeed, plants and refineries are essential for our daily needs. Unfortunately, the slightest negligence can lead to serious accidents or explosions that can threaten your life and the lives of your loved ones. For this reason, you truly need a plant explosion attorney.

This article features an explanation of the causes of plant explosions, the injuries that may be sustained, and recommendations for plant explosion attorneys. So, read on!

Plant and Refinery Explosion: A Calamity that Stems from a Small Mistake

After all, factories and refineries are symbols of the industrial power that drives our daily lives through the energy they produce. However, a single spark from a blowtorch or the negligence of workers and plant management can seriously trigger a catastrophic explosion, turning a refinery into an absolute inferno.

Worse than that, a catastrophic explosion can cause severe burns, head injuries, deep trauma, and even death to the workers who are working at the plant. In other words, factory and refinery accidents are among the most severe cases of accidents that can lead to fatalities.

So, what are the causes of refinery explosions and fires? Below, we have featured some of the common causes of factory and refinery explosions. Check them out!

  • Flammable materials, such as crude oil, natural gas, or hydrocarbons
  • Uncontrolled chemical reactions, such as exothermic, polymerization, and decomposition
  • Mechanical failure of equipment including leaking or over-pressurized pumps, valves, compressors, and tanks
  • Corrosion and erosion of equipment and pipes
  • Poorly maintained equipment and infrastructure that can be a source of ignition for an explosion
  • Sparks, static electricity, or hot surfaces in contact with flammable materials
  • Leaks or spills of flammable liquids and gases
  • Poor air ventilation
  • Inadequate safety systems or equipment
  • Lack of proper safety training and procedures for plant or refinery workers

Plant and Refinery Explosion Injuries

As we said earlier, plant and refinery explosions and fires are some of the most devastating disasters. What’s more, they can cause a wide range of injuries to the people who work in them. What are these injuries? To find out, go check out the points.

1. Burn Injuries

Plant and refinery workers can suffer serious burns if exposed to flammable substances, explosive chemicals, or intense heat during an explosion.

2. Traumatic Injuries

During an explosion, refinery workers often suffer traumatic injuries in the form of broken bones, dislocations, head or spinal cord injuries. These injuries are usually sustained from being hit by blast debris, hit by hard objects, thrown to the ground, or trapped in collapsed buildings.

3. Respiratory Injuries

These are the injuries that workers often get from inhaling toxic fumes, gases, and smoke during a refinery explosion. Even worse, these injuries can cause chemical pneumonitis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and lung damage. Then, having the plant explosion attorney is the best action you can do to solve the problem. 

4. Eye Injury

Inevitably, during an explosion, there will be a lot of flying debris and strong light that blinds the eyes. These events can cause various eye injuries, such as corneal abrasions, eye burns, and retinal damage.

5. Hearing Impairment

The loud noises generated during a refinery explosion can cause workers to experience temporary or even permanent hearing loss. This usually includes ringing in the ears, dullness of hearing sensation, and worse, complete deafness.

6. Psychological Trauma

It is not uncommon for workers who are involved in explosions to experience psychological trauma. These traumas usually take the form of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, depression, anxiety, and feelings of guilt.

The Importance of Having a Plant Explosion Attorney

After you understand the causes of plant and refinery explosions and the injuries that workers can suffer, you now know why having a plant explosion attorney is important. Simply put, a plant explosion attorney will help you get compensation for your injuries.

However, it is not uncommon for some owners or operators to fail or deliberately not follow state safety regulations. These irresponsible parties usually cut corners to increase company profits and meet deadlines by sacrificing the safety of their workers.

Needless to say, when you or a loved one is the victim of a plant explosion, you have the right to seek justice from the company. This is where the role of an attorney for plant explosion becomes important. A plant explosion attorney will help you to get fair compensation for your injuries.

Later on, a plant explosion attorney will evaluate your case or the claim you filed. Then, your case will be investigated and examined to obtain valid evidence so that you can get the justice you deserve for the catastrophe you have suffered.

3 Best Plant Explosion Attorney

Here are the top 3 best attorneys for plant explosion you can consider. All of them are reliable companies that have helped and resolved various plant and refinery explosion cases in the US. Take a look closer! 

1. Zehl & Associates

Zehl & Associates is a renowned firm that has successfully represented and helped more than 1,000 plant workers against insurance companies, oil and gas companies, and the world’s largest energy companies. The firm will also insure your health with the best doctors and your finances with the best financial advisors.

2. Joe I. Zaid & Associates

Next up is Joe I. Zaid & Associates which is a company that is committed to providing you with proper medical care and treatment. The firm will also seek to recover compensation for your losses, such as medical expenses, mental anguish, and loss of income.

3. Heard Merman Trial Lawyers

Heard Merman Trial Lawyers is a company that provides plant explosion attorneys with a commitment to constantly learning the details of the case then helping you get your rightful compensation. Meanwhile, this company has handled various cases, such as chemical plants, petroleum refineries, pipeline transportation, and others.

Have You Known About a Plant Explosion Attorney?

That is all about the lawyer for a plant explosion in an industry. In conclusion, a plant explosion attorney is a firm of lawyers who will help you and workers who have suffered injuries or losses due to a factory or refinery explosion. 

These lawyers will ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve. Whatever happens, the company will cover your back and protect your life. Then, which one you choose?

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